URGENT ACTION TO APPROVE                                         Consent for the submission of a Planning Application for Vehicle Crossover (Dropped Kerb) at Ashford Cemetery Lodge


Ashford Cemetery Lodge, Long Lane, Ashford, Middlesex TW19 7AD


Residential Accommodation


The Council’s scheme of delegations permits authority by way of urgent action to be obtained on such occasions where the proposed transaction is considered so urgent that it cannot wait until the next scheduled meeting of the relevant Committee. In order to enable an urgent decision to be made, the Chief Executive has delegated power to take this decision in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Business Infrastructure and Growth Committee

1.       Background               

As part of Spelthorne BC Housing Strategy which includes delivery of more affordable homes, the Asset team in collaboration with Strategic Housing team is carrying out refurbishment of Ashford Cemetery Lodge, Long Lane, Ashford, Middlesex TW19 7AD. The refurbishment project will deliver a more sustainable accommodation which meets SBC CARES strategic priorities; [Community, Affordable Housing, Recovery, Environmental & Service Delivery] alongside creating climate action targets and modern fit-for-purpose residential accommodation. The works include achieving a significant reduction in carbon emissions by using on-site renewable / low carbon technologies. A combination of PV (Photovoltaic panels) and electric heating systems as the main energy source to the property. Works to the external areas needed to make the most efficient use of the property and improve safe access includes a paver driveway and vehicle crossover (drop kerb).

The proposed scheme will provide much needed accommodation whilst complying with Spelthorne’s own housing targets, corporate objectives regarding addressing the climate emergency and the promotion of high-quality sustainable design within the borough. There are significant benefits to progressing this application.

2.       Proposal

The proposed vehicle crossover (VCO), often referred to as a dropped kerb, provides the legal means to access the property at Ashford Cemetery Lodge, Long Lane, Ashford, Middlesex TW19 7AD using a car or other domestic vehicle which also applies to all sizes of vehicles and all types of powered vehicles including electric. Creating the driveway along with vehicle crossover supports SBC key strategic priority to provide efficient, cost effective and quality public services by providing suitable and fit for purpose accommodation that supports of SBC Corporate Plan theme of developing Our Council by ensuring high quality accommodation and public service.

It is important that the SBC’s assets remain in a good, safe, and statutory compliant condition. The proposed 3.0m wide vehicle crossover is to ensure that this remains the case for the lifetime of Ashford Cemetery Lodge.

The overriding principle is that the property should be safe in terms of the health and safety of the future occupants.

The Planning Application is due to heard before the Planning Committee on 24 July 2024.

3.       Business Case

Crossing the footway without first having a properly constructed vehicle crossover in place is an offence under the Highways Act 1980. Apart from creating unsafe access to the property, the non-provision of vehicle cross over will lead to a breach of the requirements under the Highway Act 1980 which will likely result in reputational damage to SBC as this may result in prosecution and receiving a fine and criminal conviction. Rechargeable works can also take place to prevent the footway from being crossed.

Vehicle crossover is a statutory requirement to access a driveway which serve as the most effective purpose for parking vehicle, knowing that it is safe on a property, also constraining to traffic & safety. It is as well a good feature to have on Ashford Cemetery Lodge, giving a nice classic look which also adds value to the property.

4.       Recommendation

In the light of the above, recommendation is made to support the submission of a planning application for the construction of a vehicle crossover at Ashford Cemetery Lodge, Lond Lane, Ashford, Middlesex T19 7AD:

Under Part 3(a) of the Council’s Scheme of Delegations… “In order to enable an urgent decision to be made, the Chief Executive has delegated power to take any decision which is so urgent that it cannot wait until the next scheduled meeting of the Council or relevant Committee and where the decision is not in contravention of established policies. In following this procedure, the Chief Executive is required to consult with the relevant Committee Chair and Vice-Chair. The use of such urgent action must be reported to the next relevant Committee meeting”. 

Please could you therefore confirm that you will give approval to authorise this urgent action for the submission of a planning application for the construction of vehicle crossover at Ashford Cemetery Lodge, Lond Lane, Ashford, Middlesex T19 7AD. If you are minded to authorise this action, the Group Head, Assets will ensure that the action taken is noted on the following Development Sub- Committee agenda.

I confirm that I give my delegated authority to take urgent action to authorise the planning application for a vehicle crossover under the terms agreed by the Group Head, Assets and summarised in this note.  I can confirm that I have consulted with the Chair and Vice Chair of the relevant Committee and they are in full agreement.



Chief Executive __________________________________


Date                      __________________________